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Healthcare professionals

Hypoxemia Inducible Factor (HIF)

First discovered in the early 1990’s, Hypoxemia Inducible Factor (HIF) has since been the subject of 1000’s of articles of research. In some cases such as cancer and inflammatory pathologies, a prolonged HIF pathway leads to inflammation (negative effect). However these same pathways can also be used by healthy cells to improve their function and help heal diseased or damaged tissues.

As of today much is known (and still unknown) about HIF and it’s gene expression pathways. But the science is rapidly progressing and we expect that IHT (Intermittent Hypoxic Training) can provide a beneficial way of harnessing the HIF pathway (and other cell pathways) to help heal the body.

But in short controlled exposures, hypoxemia can help the body adapt and optimize multiple cellular functions.

HIF is a pathway as a target for treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Have a read of the article below...

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