In October 2009, Corporal Andy Reid MBE stepped on a Taliban improvised explosive device while on patrol in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. Injured so badly that it was thought he would not survive, he defied the odds to the extent that, within a month, he was able to meet up with members of his patrol again. Since then as a triple amputee, he has gone on to carry out many arduous challenges to raise money and give back to the associations that helped him and his family through difficult times.
Andy has been using thinAir for quite some time now and not long after starting, Andy and his friend John set about starting the Standing Tall Foundation with the aim of giving back to those that have hit troubled times.
Andy's charity work has taken him to the lofty heights of Kilimanjaro where the benefits of using thinAir came to the fore.

Andy wanted to showcase what thinAir could do to help others so with his Charity and CCR3 (Scotland), they set about compiling research into the benefits it offers.

Andy continues to support those in need and is a huge advocat and Ambassador for