A New Rejuvenation Therapy – Prevent Ageing
The potential of Intermittent Hypoxic Training (IHT) in future rejuvenative therapies has been discussed. In one study, using biochemical parameters(levels of ROS and antioxidative enzymes) and psychometric tests, researchers demonstrated that on average, a single completed course of IHT (3-week course) results in reversal of selected markers of ageing of 3-5 years.
IHT is being examined for its ability to promote health and prevent the onset of decline inthe human body as it ages. Scientists have discussed that IHT is unique for its ability to stimulate mitochondria – mitochondria is the powerhouse of healthy cells and the body’s natural housekeeper, clearing out the unhealthy cells.
IHT influences several underlying mechanisms of ageing, particularly specific proteins that modulate apoptosis (clearing out dead cells) and inflammation, as well as DNA maintenance and tissue repair. These pathways underline the pathogenesis of ageing and also function as the key players in a host of common degenerative or “western lifestyle” diseases. Those include atherosclerosis and its main manifestations (cardiovascular disease, myocardial infarction,stroke), as well as Type 2 diabetes, arterial hypertension, inflammatory disease of joints and respiratory ways, allergy, gastrointestinal problems and autoimmune conditions, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases.
Scientists agree that IHT is an efficient preventative strategy to prolong healthy lifespan and slow down the aging process, and reduce age related pathology inhumans – better preservation and rejuvenation of mitochondria in cells.
Dermatologists have now recognised that mitochondrial decay is the major cause of skin cell ageing. Scientists are researching ways to delay mitochondria decay and have concluded that skin care products don’t contain the ingredients to protect against this process. More than an antioxidant is required – antioxidants are good at neutralising free radicals but most can’t cope with the super free radicals that cause cell destruction.
IHT increases the heart rate, reduces plasma volume and elevated haematocrit levels in the blood work together to improve circulation that oxygenates tissues at all levels. Mitochondria are rejuvenated, the old cells are cleared out and replaced with new healthy cells – the skin doesn’t show the visible signs of ageing.
Thinair.life is the most advanced form of personalised IHT.
Summarised from:Intermittent Hypoxia and Human Disease
By LeiXi M.D. Tatiana V Serebrovskaya Ph.D.D.Sc